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At the beginning everything was created. At the middle everything was processed by creation. At the end is result of all creation. Maybe we are in the middle right now, science said that Christ created just fairytale, wow wonderful. Most scientist and expert in internet forum discuss about Him.
They told that Jesus come as a fail from truth emperor. He was sent just to show that Israel and all their trust couldn’t handle their own war.
Just think, fire against fire what was created? Fire must against water! I thought Jesus was the answer (peace maker). But they never realize it until now. Even because of it, they kill Him!
I just pray may God send them opposite of Jesus in Israel. Why? God bring His love to make them realize what wrong or right. That way was not make them wake. God must be send war maker, and just see what happen now? Till death do they wake? Dark Valley will create at the middle of Israel! An area that makes 3 religions had 3 prophets but 1 religion still wait their prophets. That day will come like a thief, that Thief will steal everything! It will come as warning that only 1 could make you realize, not 3! That area descript like a big Dark Valley.
Story about Him makes other smell like a goat. But I have no wonder, God covenant at Old Testament were odd. New Testament made it not odd but made One Promise.
Sooner or later you (west and middle east) will realize that your solution of all of your fake are Love not War (testament with Devil). Just think, what do you feel with all war, hate and greedy everyday?
I agree with Confucius, Buddha and others who wants Harmony in their live. + & – were created by it self. You can’t deny that when you did good things it makes you suffering. But when you did wrong it makes you happy.
My posting about + & - , explaining all of that. + & - created as a thing that make things live. Things couldn’t move without one of it. Think, how nature needs rain and the other side it needs sun. It called harmony.
Things couldn’t decide and control what to do, human do. Human could do anything, take all from nature. What happen now? Nature can’t decide. Disaster happen because no more harmony, global warming was effect of all HUMAN GREEDY!

Peace and love in Harmony


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