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Self Confidence

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Confidence, that’s me. That’s my suggestion to my friends, when someone told that his attitudes or what he had been done was not true, in his friends mind. Sometimes it became a super weapon that made me like an idiot. Imagine, if you do something that you never realize and your brain command your body to act like a monster? My brain think it was good but my heart suggest to stopping. For example, my brain commands me to write some posting but without cigarettes it was not complete. By the way my brain had known that smoking was not good for health. In the other side my heart yelling; ‘give me a break, don’t you ever think that? that thing makes you enjoy but look what happen after that? Have you seen your father conditions? It works, right?!’ Ups, I’m a great smoker right now; I never know when I quit this bad habit. The other side, when all smokers quit smoking, what was the impact? That’s why something that I know makes me like an idiot.
Actually it makes me tired to think about this, human have all things. Ability to make a choice. My sick brain said why God didn’t create an organ that could judge? God was only creating Brain to think and commands and Heart to suggesting Brain. God might be forget or let it be. What a sick brain!? Again and again it makes me like an idiot! LOL.
Just forget it, that’s my sick brain. Let us talks about that Confidence and it cause. We’ve known that sometimes ability to make a choice makes us look like an idiot, right? Whether there are relationships associated with these Confidence and ability to make a choice? 


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