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                                                              bed room, Sunday  24.00 AM October, 24 ‘2010

In the middle of a thing there must be a thing or consist of a thing, Human being either. At the past Scientist learn anything for example da Vinci and Darwin. He learned anything and finally all of his creating confess until now. Even His sketch use by us now. Plane, Tank, Car etc.

Can we learn from them? Yes, why not? He surge human body for his need to know what inside right?(not ambitions) Why don’t we use His style in other sample? Sometimes His way to made it approved made Government or Church scratch their head. We are all known what was happen and the end of the story. Government and church, stay out of this business, please! That was a big mistake.
Btw how if da Vinci wasn’t birth in Itali? He must be a president or even became a prophet! lol. Priory of sion? (Ambition/conspiracy with templar to made Church stay out of his business and theory or else?) Hmmm I’ll tell you next after my pray heard. Actually my sickbrain had told me a long time ago(1996) and still controversy between my sickbrain(+&-) and healthbrain(+/-). Btw I never read those books contains about it but DVC yes.(I didn’t know, was my sickbrain fill in with my curse birth n brothers or from the truth!?!?!?)

Can we actualize it and surge in our attitude or think? For example my sickbrain told that there was a lot of  way to do that.
  1. Self control 
  2. Remind
  3. Hardware
  4. Etc

I don’t want to explain point1,2 or 4. All of it was Fake(+&-), when you see it globally, right?!  I just want to explain point 3. Why? Inspired after watching Mr Stallone as a future cop. There was a machine to warn or reporting user when we did wrong. Just like a Computer system or software bundled with mobile phone. It must be a funny stuff, but when it could online and reporting to Cop it was a big problem, or it could be inject with bad habits and when you did wrong and the machine say ‘yes, yes, yes ouw yes good job and I really like it, say it or do it again because I know u can do it! lol Hope when this utility produce/sell ‘Kids, don’t  use it at home and/or anywhere-parents use it 17 YO up only and when ur kids use it and had a bad habit that’s a big problem/risk, and ur wife said; both of you, get out!’ lol.

My theory/design was so simple. Audio device or mobile phone that could use like an alarm clock, but it more specific. Sensors in body/suit/pin/tie or Bluetooth that could use as a sensors or bluetooh+sensors (Blues), 1 unit.. Basically, Bluetooth use as a files transfer. Can we use it as a sensors transfer that read by device as habit or else? If you had a questions just comment or pm Hope Mr. Gog and Mr W8n never get MOU, cause we already known that Privacy at the Internet = lol
Finally new device created BLUES = Bluetooth + Sensors lol….
Dear Mr, Mrs or Ms w8n (ups sorry, wrong type), don’t forget ur share/my part when you sell this stuff/software and booming, or I’ll slaps you with a large big Trout. (IRC mode on) lol  again and again.

Btw this is just an iThink nothing more, just enjoy… and if this posting, repost just read it as a joke, please… lol.

Ps :Don’t you know I write this at okt 24 ‘2010 23.42 AM until 02.00PM  my wife said please stop or you’ll get my back or get out!!! Ok honey, do you need shock therapy? lolololololol. Time to sleep bye.

sickpeacer from my sickbrain

next post, all Internet company/software and stake holder UNITE! Explain + & - in it


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